TND - The New Deal


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
The New Deal II 9440310/8/2013 40
The New Deal 878311/7/2013 40
Amor & Politica 7760311/8/2011 30
Aff Veio...KKK 732395/10/2011 30
Esquilo Não Dança e Muito menos Canta! 661847/20/2010 20
Singles Release Review
Fila da Sopa/A Grande Guerra 994415/6/2014 40
Quinta-feira negra/N. ao C. S 937169/9/2013 40
John M. Keynes/A Crise de 1929 923927/16/2013 40
Ferrotown /Metal Claw 917216/18/2013 40
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 898674/2/2013 30
A Pop do Album/Morena Linda 8566710/9/2012 30
Dead Religian está morta! 841558/7/2012 30
O Espetaculo dos Circo dos Horrores/Bingo 804623/6/2012 30
H-West.side/GaLiLEU 794521/24/2012 30
Juliana 7861612/20/2011 30
New Love 7677210/4/2011 30
Central do Brasil 760909/6/2011 30
Lenda 754278/9/2011 30
Euteamoe.Final 747537/12/2011 30
Para abrir os olhos 740816/14/2011 20
Tempo Perdido 723974/5/2011 30
Em busca do Guitarrista Sagrado... 715603/1/2011 30
Singles Nunca São Muitos 707141/25/2011 30
Anatomia do Rock 6954112/7/2010 20
Não Fume 6820110/12/2010 30
A vida de um Roqueiro 671928/31/2010 20
Chegando ao Nirvana 655066/22/2010 20
Dead Religion 646675/18/2010 20