Cotton Belt


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Handy's Story vol. II 489257/31/2008 40
Handy's Story vol. 1 440311/9/2008 30
Singles Release Review
Cloud from rain 502329/24/2008 30
Gulf Coast Blues 495608/27/2008 30
Livery Stable Blues 488887/30/2008 30
Yellow Dog Blues 482067/1/2008 30
Bunch O Blues 475346/3/2008 30
Hooking Cow Blues 468625/6/2008 30
That Jazz Dance 461904/8/2008 30
Fuzzy Wuzzy Rag 454613/9/2008 30
Third Psalm 447232/7/2008 30
The Twenty 4338412/13/2007 30
Pasadena 4269711/15/2007 30
I'll Never Turn Back No More 4202410/18/2007 30
The Beale Street Blues 413399/19/2007 30
W.C. Handy 405018/15/2007 30
Vita 399997/25/2007 30
Scontro di anime 390266/15/2007 20