Heroic Girl's


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Heroic Girls? 809673/27/2012 30
Hel seni unutmayacagım :'( - Mel'n! 7677110/4/2011 40
Özge'nin son albümü. :' 6820510/12/2010 40
We all are pretty! 655166/22/2010 40
Heroic Girl's 562245/31/2009 10
Singles Release Review
Heroic Girls Come Back! 876871/1/2013 40
Öylesine çıkarılan single. :a 799552/14/2012 30
İrem'in son single'ı, İpekler varken çıkacak olan. 7794911/22/2011 40
Hel & Mel * 7727610/25/2011 40
Playfull Kiss. :**** 762799/14/2011 40
Geri dönüş. 755968/16/2011 30
Cici bir single daha. 6989012/22/2010 30
Kahramanlığın sonlanışı, yavaş yavaş. 6921611/24/2010 30
Vavelya ve Superwomen bundan sonra. 6853910/26/2010 30
Deep'n Heroes! 678679/28/2010 30
Resurrection. 671978/31/2010 40
Ekin Günver'e ithafen. 665258/3/2010 30
Colorful Songs. 658567/7/2010 30
Baby is good and the Sea. 651836/8/2010 30
*X0X0* 645105/11/2010 40
Çiki çiki falan. :p 638384/13/2010 30
Bu işi bilmeyip buralara kadar gelen 3'üz manyak! 629953/9/2010 30
HG manyaklığı. 623272/9/2010 30
Noel Sabahı 616541/12/2010 30
Dream & Real 6098112/15/2009 20
Captain Girl 582938/25/2009 10
Take a Step 556905/9/2009 10