Orlando Pirates


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Port of Call 811314/3/2012 40
High Barbary 749157/19/2011 30
High Seas 705561/18/2011 30
Singles Release Review
Midnight on the Water 849959/11/2012 30
Ship Wreck 841558/7/2012 30
High Tide 831476/26/2012 40
Time and Time Again 821475/15/2012 40
Dangerous Shoals 804623/6/2012 40
Smoke on the Water 797872/7/2012 40
Paradise Island 7844212/13/2011 30
Star Light 7777711/15/2011 30
Gathering Storm 757608/23/2011 30
On the Road Again 744116/28/2011 30
Remember When 737405/31/2011 30
Next Time 730675/3/2011 30
Another Crazy Day 723974/5/2011 30
Waves on the Shore 715603/1/2011 30
Street Party 7004312/28/2010 30
Northern Star 6921011/23/2010 30
Yesterday 6853510/26/2010 30
It Takes Two 678629/28/2010 30
Jam Party 671928/31/2010 30
Rock and Roll 665148/3/2010 30
High Seas 656756/29/2010 30