
Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Bueno lo que sea no más 10365310/28/2014 40
Long Play de AC-DShe 1002896/10/2014 40
On a roll (Who wants control?) 894733/17/2013 40
Y se armó! 8675811/23/2012 40
Long Play 827596/10/2012 40
AC-DShe 2.0 7878312/27/2011 40
Todos duermen menos yo!!! 744216/28/2011 30
Singles Release Review
Ayuda a novatos puaj! 1187667/19/2016 40
De regreso a las pistas 1112109/8/2015 30
Back 1070083/17/2015 40
Dormir o no dormir 10516512/30/2014 40
waaaaaaaaaaa 10434211/26/2014 40
Casi no alcancé 1029749/30/2014 40
Ouch! 1023039/2/2014 40
Comerciales! 1016338/5/2014 40
I want my Chagoburguer 1009607/8/2014 40
A trabajar 981543/13/2014 40
Con mis nenes! 9450710/12/2013 40
Alone again :) 919016/26/2013 30
Hotshot Demon 898724/2/2013 40
Self-Destructive Phenomenon 891843/5/2013 40
Empty Head 884842/3/2013 30
Before I Die 877881/5/2013 40
Puntito, puntito, puntito 8710712/8/2012 30
Suerte de Principiante 8637211/7/2012 30
Esperando 8567810/9/2012 30
Zombiesabri 844618/20/2012 30
Blah 837357/20/2012 30
987654321 819275/6/2012 30
Sopor 813764/13/2012 30
De aburrida no más 800042/16/2012 30
Sola 794681/25/2012 30
Con las pilas puestas 7795711/23/2011 30
Despertar 7710610/18/2011 30
Zombieband 757588/23/2011 30
The new AC-DShe 750877/26/2011 30
Bah! 742496/21/2011 30
Girls Rock! 735775/24/2011 30
S&S 729044/26/2011 30
Fall to Pieces 720693/22/2011 20
Inner Silence 713962/22/2011 10