Siblings power


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
End discovering of the world 1340594/17/2018 50
World of dispair and drama 13137212/26/2017 50
Troubled world 1286819/5/2017 50
World of songs 1152442/23/2016 50
And the world keeps turning 11255011/3/2015 50
In a world full of people 1083525/12/2015 50
Hell is not heaven 1056541/20/2015 50
Not the best of so far 1029669/30/2014 40
Top of the world... 991024/22/2014 40
Discovering the Top 9641612/31/2013 40
Discovering the world within 828076/12/2012 40
Everything is difficult before it becomes easy 801122/21/2012 40
Music moves the world 749107/19/2011 40
Singles Release Review
World of last Christmas 1355616/19/2018 40
Going distances to the north 1348875/22/2018 40
Almost done with touring 1342154/24/2018 40
ultimate confusion 1335523/27/2018 40
accomplishing world fame 1328802/27/2018 40
no luck with recordings 1321981/30/2018 40
C-A's experiences 1315261/2/2018 40
Possibilities of New Years Eve 13085412/5/2017 40
Empty and surreal 13019211/7/2017 40
Countryside full of bunnies 12951310/10/2017 40
World of release party 1288479/12/2017 40
Fun in the outlands 1281768/15/2017 40
Travelling 1275047/18/2017 40
tumbling world 1268256/20/2017 40
Chaotic world 1261605/23/2017 40
Wintermoon Wishing Well 1254834/25/2017 40
Greatest words 1167634/27/2016 40
Currently travelling 1160723/29/2016 40
temporary money 1154133/1/2016 40
A world of dangerous decisions 1147292/2/2016 40
Disgust and lust 1140621/5/2016 40
Your world,my world, our world 11338212/8/2015 40
Feels like Christmas 11272211/10/2015 40
From the north to the south 11204110/13/2015 40
god smacking glorious 2nd song 1113789/15/2015 40
The sound of nothing 1106948/18/2015 40
Keep in touch... 1100307/21/2015 40
Pimp up V-Day 1093576/23/2015 40
Since I met you in the crypt 1086885/26/2015 40
A world of marriage 1080034/28/2015 40
Taking the blame 1073443/31/2015 40
Wasn't meant to be 1066633/3/2015 40
Missing 1059922/3/2015 40
Growing up 1053211/6/2015 40
Out of air 10464812/9/2014 40
Cloud in a bottle 10397611/11/2014 40
Ancient diary 10330210/14/2014 40
Ready! 1026319/16/2014 40
Conquering the world once more 1019638/19/2014 40
on the road 999575/27/2014 40
not so good ideas 992704/29/2014 40
V-Day 985984/1/2014 40
living absentminded 979263/4/2014 40
unborn thoughts 972542/4/2014 40
Christmas in Paris 965821/7/2014 40
Another Saint 9591012/10/2013 40
Hotel California 9524011/12/2013 40
Day is over 9456610/15/2013 40
bottle it up 938949/17/2013 40
Discovering the world finds an end 838147/24/2012 40
The rhythm of my heart 831676/27/2012 40
unloved diary entries... 824795/29/2012 40
and suddenly mom 817925/1/2012 40
Zombie Chain 811274/3/2012 40
seeing things in a new light... 804543/6/2012 40
Summer time 797832/7/2012 40
Light and Darkness 791141/10/2012 40
All things end 7843212/13/2011 40
Before the break 757538/23/2011 40
She became 18 years old ... 750877/26/2011 40
Poisonous tales 744006/28/2011 40
Spending time 737355/31/2011 40
97% ancient rhythm 730675/3/2011 40
Old stuff 723844/5/2011 40
Eagles mate for life 715503/1/2011 30
Legends 708802/1/2011 30
Ancient secret 6971412/14/2010 30