

Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Good night, this was a nice Tnetennba 811374/3/2012 50
Good evening, that's a nice Tnetennba 811364/3/2012 50
Good afternoon, that's a nice Tnetennba 7676810/4/2011 50
Good morning, that's a nice Tnetennba 740716/14/2011 50
Singles Release Review
Pointa Hegor yn wur it gruht 809693/27/2012 40
The fwingys who ploinked a nieuw wjerld 801202/21/2012 40
Hslacu the Wlues; Dankx those Woves 791201/10/2012 40
Wolden Rhizaoutofhellmorphic Ghisky 7828112/6/2011 40
Fyael the Nougoragowash 7760911/8/2011 40
The Elinate Freoaki is Ierynable 7693310/11/2011 40
Trohm's of Flanbulastic Extrotubbalar Terror 762589/13/2011 40
A Chunk of the Ujfláfa Squad 755848/16/2011 40
Clabawoos with the Prumqraction (uw uw uuuw) 749137/19/2011 40
Blingwad of Boonie Beer 742456/21/2011 40
The Wockar's Brunch 735705/24/2011 40
Oh, you're such a Refutiated Gaffe 728994/26/2011 40
Walâfléle for Dirty Harry 722323/29/2011 40