

Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
1 656796/29/2010 40
一个人的寂寞两个人的错 629823/9/2010 40
时过境迁 6029211/17/2009 40
蓄势待发 576077/28/2009 30
一路走来 500479/16/2008 20
Singles Release Review
记得忘记 673829/8/2010 40
只有你懂的誓言 665208/3/2010 40
傻瓜的神话 658047/4/2010 40
爱无言 651306/6/2010 40
面包&黄油 644565/9/2010 40
渐行渐远 637794/11/2010 40
平凡生活 630993/14/2010 40
某天 622132/5/2010 40
承诺 618091/19/2010 30
回味无穷 6113212/22/2009 30
冷风过境 6045911/24/2009 30
霜之哀伤 5945810/13/2009 40
花纷飞 587869/15/2009 30
蓝玫瑰 581148/18/2009 40
妙不可言 574427/21/2009 30
我们的世界 567776/23/2009 30
相遇 530771/20/2009 30
有你有我 5223812/16/2008 30
旅人 5155811/18/2008 30
月光 5089010/21/2008 20
简单心情 502139/23/2008 30
似水流年 495448/26/2008 20
随意 488727/29/2008 20
宝贝 482007/1/2008 20
随心 475276/3/2008 20
遇见最美的意外 468555/6/2008 20