The Enigma of the Last Cowboy

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 Aaron <3 500 Country Rock
2 Aiuto aiuto! 500 Country Pop
3 Ama Me, Solo Me 500 Country Rock
4 Amore Inspiegabile 500 Country Rock
5 Amsterdam 500 Bro Country
6 Angeli e Demoni 500 Alternative Country
7 Battaglia in Equilibrio 500 Truck Driving Country
8 Battito Crescente 500 Country Rock
9 Belgrado 500 Honky Tonk
10 Bella Story 500 Alternative Country
11 Bellatrix 500 Country Rock
12 Berlino 500 Country Rock
13 Big Big Family 500 Country Rock
14 Brividi e Farfalle 500 Country Rock
15 Bruxelles 500 Country Rock
16 Buenos Aires 500 Country Rock
17 Bufera di Neve 500 Honky Tonk
18 Caccia alle streghe 500 Country Rock
19 Call Me, Come on! 500 Country Rock
20 Chicago 500 Country Rock
21 Ci vuole fede! 500 Country Rock
22 Ciao Amore Ciao 500 Country Rock
23 Città del Messico 500 Country Pop
24 Colline di Cuori 500 Country Rock
25 Contro Cuore 500 Hillbilly Boogie
26 Damned 500 Country Rock
27 Delusioni e Basta 500 Country Pop
28 Disperazione 500 Country Rock
29 Dolci in Forno 500 Country Rock
30 Doppie Personalità 500 Country Pop
31 Dream Catcher 500 Country Rock
32 Drink with me 500 Country Rock
33 Due Anime Un Cuore 500 Christian Country
34 Effetto Temporale 500 Country Rock
35 Fairytale 500 Country Rock
36 Festival 500 Country Rock
37 Finally...it's Love 500 Country Rock
38 Fiocco Rosa 500 Country Rock
39 Firelight 500 Country Rock
40 Follemente You! 500 Country Rock
41 Forza e Coraggio 500 Country Rock
42 Freddo come la pietra 500 Bakersfield Sound
43 Free at Last 500 Country Rock
44 Gioia e Felicità 500 Bro Country
45 Glasgow 500 Country Rock
46 Happy Ending 500 Country Rock
47 Help Me...Thanks 500 Country Pop
48 Hush in my Heart 500 Country Rock
49 I know ... I'm a Bastard! 500 Country Rock
50 Idee Zero 500 Country Rock
51 Il cammino dello gnomo 500 Christian Country
52 Il Fante di Cuori e la Dama di Picche 500 Country Rock
53 Il Re dell'Estate 500 Country Rock
54 Il Sentiero degli Inganni 500 Country Rock
55 Il sogno più bello 500 Country Pop
56 In quello Mondo a Est 500 Traditional Country
57 Incomprensibilmente Comprensibile 500 Country Rock
58 Infinito Amore 500 Country Rock
59 Johannesburg 500 Country Rock
60 Jonicità 500 Traditional Country
61 La Regina d'Inverno 500 Country Rock
62 La Zampetta del Destino 500 Country Rock
63 L'inferno della mente 500 Country Pop
64 Logorante 500 Country Rock
65 Londra 500 Country Rock
66 Madrid 500 Country Rock
67 Mai più senza di te 500 Country Rock
68 Manila 500 Western Swing
69 Mathias Story 500 Honky Tonk
70 Matti d'Amore 500 Country Rock
71 Melbourne 500 Western Swing
72 Moonless 500 Country Rock
73 Nashville 500 Christian Country
74 New York 500 Country Rock
75 Numeri Uno 500 Bluegrass
76 On the stage 500 Country Rock
77 Paura e Terrore 500 Christian Country
78 Penso per Me 500 Country Rock
79 Per me 500 Honky Tonk
80 Per te 500 Traditional Country
81 Percorsi a Tradimenti 500 Country Rock
82 Pioggia di Aprile 500 Country Pop
83 Raggio di Vetro 500 Country Rock
84 Re Autunno 500 Country Rock
85 Re di Farfalle 500 Bro Country
86 Regina Primavera 500 Country Rock
87 Ricominciamo il Tour 500 Country Rock
88 Rio de Janeiro 500 Bakersfield Sound
89 Roma 500 Truck Driving Country
90 San Paolo 500 Country Rock
91 Sangue di Ghiaccio 500 Country Rock
92 Sensazioni Tempestose 500 Country Rock
93 Sesto Senso Ingannabile 500 Country Rock
94 Singapore 500 Country Rock
95 Sofia 500 Bluegrass
96 Sregolato 500 Country Rock
97 Stanchezza 500 Hillbilly Boogie
98 Stoccolma 500 Western Swing
99 Strane Sensazioni 500 Outlaw Country
100 Su e giù per le strade dell'amore 500 Bluegrass
101 Sunless 500 Country Rock
102 Tenerezze 500 Country Rock
103 This is Love 500 Country Rock
104 Tokio 500 Country Pop
105 Toronto 500 Bro Country
106 Tramonto rosso viola 500 Christian Country
107 Tromso 500 Bluegrass
108 Tu sei la mia vita 500 Country Rock
109 Tulipani e Margherite 500 Christian Country
110 Un mese fa... 500 Country Rock
111 Verso la strada del country 500 Country Rock
112 With You Always 500 Country Rock
113 Zampetta Addolorata 500 Traditional Country
114 Zoe Love 500 Country Pop

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 51 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.