Requiem of Infinity

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 *Who is back?! 415 New Jack Swing
2 `till the moon & back 500 Contemporary R&B
3 10 Meilės Vasarų 500 Quiet Storm
4 19-niolika amžinybių 500 New Jack Swing
5 20 tikrų akimirkų 500 Contemporary R&B
6 30! 500 Motown
7 40! 500 Doo Wop
8 Ad astra per aspera 500 70s Soul
9 Aira 440 G-Funk
10 Apaga la tele 500 Hip Hop Soul
11 Ar tai buvo tikra? 500 G-Funk
12 Augti kartu 415 70s Soul
13 Back to the night 500 Motown
14 Black Diamond 500 Motown
15 Bright Future 500 Contemporary R&B
16 Cherry Lipstick 500 Alternative R&B
17 Chris 435 70s Soul
18 CJ life 425 G-Funk
19 Dancing In The Rain 500 Southern Soul
20 Dancing Queen 500 Gospel
21 Dangiškai sūrios lūpos 500 Doo Wop
22 Debesų Giraitės 500 Southern Soul
23 Dedikacija Meilei 500 Gospel
24 Delnai ant tavo veido 500 Hip Hop Soul
25 Eroina 500 G-Funk
26 Eternity with You 500 Quiet Storm
27 Five 500 New Soul
28 Five Faces 500 Quiet Storm
29 Forever Young 500 70s Soul
30 Happiness 500 Alternative R&B
31 Heavenly feeling to grow Together 500 Contemporary R&B
32 Home 500 Contemporary R&B
33 Home is You 500 Hip Hop Soul
34 Hometown 420 New Soul
35 Hot 420 G-Funk
36 How Deep Is Your Love 500 Hip Hop Soul
37 Infinity Love 500 70s Soul
38 Inspiration 500 Southern Soul
39 Iš lūpų į lūpas 500 Alternative R&B
40 Kaskart pamilti Tave iš naujo 500 Hip Hop Soul
41 Kiss & Kiss 435 Hip Hop Soul
42 Lady In The Dark 500 Gospel
43 Last Miracle 500 G-Funk
44 Leo 440 Quiet Storm
45 Lions 500 Gospel
46 Little War 500 Motown
47 Lost On You 500 Contemporary R&B
48 Louder Than Words 500 Motown
49 Madurando 500 Southern Soul
50 Make A Wish 420 New Soul
51 Man of my life 500 Alternative R&B
52 Mes skambam tyliai 500 Alternative R&B
53 Mila 500 70s Soul
54 Moon 500 Quiet Storm
55 Morning Night 425 Alternative R&B
56 Nes širdis trokšta roko 500 New Jack Swing
57 New Age 500 Doo Wop
58 No puedo con la vida 500 Hip Hop Soul
59 Olimpinis šokis 500 Motown
60 Oxygen 500 New Soul
61 Pilnas jausmų mūsų kambarys 500 70s Soul
62 Que nos casamos 2.0 500 Hip Hop Soul
63 Raudonos šviesos siurprizas 500 Quiet Storm
64 Running 500 Motown
65 Shallow 500 Quiet Storm
66 Sixteen Springs 500 Doo Wop
67 Šokoladinių saldainių magija 500 Motown
68 Soul and Pepper 500 Quiet Storm
69 Spring Rain 500 70s Soul
70 Sun 500 New Soul
71 Sunflower 500 G-Funk
72 Take me High 500 Southern Soul
73 Tango 500 Hip Hop Soul
74 Tavo rankos ant mano kūno 500 Alternative R&B
75 the truth 510 G-Funk
76 Tiktai Tu 500 Contemporary R&B
77 Till the Moon 500 Southern Soul
78 Tu Mano Saulė Vandenyno Gelmėse 500 Southern Soul
79 Uknown Pineapple 425 Quiet Storm
80 Vis dar 500 Gospel
81 Waves 500 Quiet Storm
82 You're my favorite song 500 New Soul

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 22 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.