Crusty Riot

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 (HIT)Are ya real for real? 600 Riot Grrrl
2 111 500 Skatepunk
3 5 it is 370 Screamo
4 À 2 doigts du burn out 500 Skatepunk
5 A bit late o'clock 500 Screamo
6 Aethernity 265 Emocore
7 Am I dreaming? 370 Screamo
8 Arsenic is good for you 475 Oi!
9 Aw, my turn again! 435 Proto-punk
10 Be my Dessert tonight 235 Folk Punk
11 Bof bof 500 Skatepunk
12 Bonnes et pas connes 225 Riot Grrrl
13 Btw, where's my shirt, again? 500 Screamo
14 Bun in the Bean 415 Folk Punk
15 C'est pas pour dire mais... 420 Skatepunk
16 Chanson du dimanche 500 Screamo
17 Comme un poisson sans eau 500 Screamo
18 Coprophage refoulé 500 Skatepunk
19 Cursed 605 Riot Grrrl
20 Dat whole growing stuff damn works 375 Skatepunk
21 Eighternal 500 Celtic Punk
22 Father asked 4 a song. Me good girl 380 Skatepunk
23 Fight the power, eat the rich! 500 Skatepunk
24 Gone gonads 500 Skatepunk
25 Hécatombe printanière 500 Hardcore Punk
26 HOW EXCITING!!! 500 Screamo
27 Hus-child 500 Screamo
28 I hate being sexy but I play guitar,so.. 500 Oi!
29 Idiocrassy 435 Oi!
30 I'm too busy 445 Folk Punk
31 Is anyone listening anyway..? 500 Screamo
32 It's My Special Day! 435 Folk Punk
33 It's raining men...and they crash down 500 Screamo
34 Just like a hippie punk 600 Riot Grrrl
35 La complainte du forceur 440 Emocore
36 La légende du tumbleweed 545 Screamo
37 La murge de trop 500 Ska Punk
38 Le Bel au Bois Dormant 410 Proto-punk
39 Le bocal est trop petit 380 Proto-punk
40 Le lard et la manière 385 Screamo
41 Le temps est long le ciel est beuh 600 Riot Grrrl
42 Les artichauts ont fané 235 Proto-punk
43 Les Invincibles 500 Skatepunk
44 Les lois de la gêne éthique 385 Skatepunk
45 Let the Poison spill 225 Emocore
46 Mediocrassy 440 Anarcho Punk
47 Mes rangeots dans ta face, ça passe? 500 Screamo
48 Open Doors 600 Riot Grrrl
49 Our special lil family vacay 500 Ska Punk
50 Pack o' punks 440 Ska Punk
51 Perfectly Original 390 Hardcore Punk
52 Punks des champs 500 Skatepunk
53 Pushed the button and...BOOM!!! 500 Screamo
54 Rub my belly, babe! 560 Riot Grrrl
55 Sand in my shoe 605 Riot Grrrl
56 Serial mothafuckers 605 Riot Grrrl
57 Stars-to-be can't be lazy 395 Skatepunk
58 Sûrement demain 570 Riot Grrrl
59 The cradle snatcher 500 Screamo
60 The deep, the blue, and you 530 Hardcore Punk
61 The Happiest 500 Skatepunk
62 The man on my mind 605 Riot Grrrl
63 The missing skirt 245 Folk Punk
64 Ton karma t'a kické 500 Skatepunk
65 We're getting bigger 445 Skatepunk
66 What if I poke this? 600 Riot Grrrl
67 When they take women for pokemon.. 320 Proto-punk
68 Whining or winning,u gotta choose,baby! 215 Folk Punk
69 You can bite me now 200 Folk Punk
70 Zombies bit me and I liked it 540 Hardcore Punk
71 Zonards!!! 350 Folk Punk

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 2 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.