Carmela, caramela

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 ***king you, ***king me 355 Hardcore Punk
2 A gritos! 235 Hardcore Punk
3 Agua y vino, solo con pepino 170 Hardcore Punk
4 Alcalde! esto esta que alde! 185 Hardcore Punk
5 canción en clave alta 685 Hardcore Punk
6 Chinches 500 Oi!
7 De lo alto al bajo 530 Hardcore Punk
8 Dias malos y dias peores 510 Hardcore Punk
9 el chupacabras no chupa cabras 380 Hardcore Punk
10 gluteos de acero 340 Hardcore Punk
11 K desastre estoy hecho/soy puro deshecho 500 Oi!
12 La 13 190 Hardcore Punk
13 La muñeca 185 Hardcore Punk
14 La noche mas corta 500 Screamo
15 Lamiendo las estrellas 580 Screamo
16 Let's punk 2 500 Screamo
17 Lifesuck 610 Hardcore Punk
18 Me gusta la fruta 500 Hardcore Punk
19 Mejillón 105 Hardcore Punk
20 Mi culo 590 Hardcore Punk
21 Mi muñeco 170 Hardcore Punk
22 Mi primer HIT, Chispas! 500 Oi!
23 Mis canciones de mierda 665 Oi!
24 No me pegues que soy blandita 200 Hardcore Punk
25 No siesta, no fiesta. 190 Hardcore Punk
26 Orgasmaction 500 Screamo
27 Palote MIk 610 Hardcore Punk
28 Pim Pank Punk 615 Hardcore Punk
29 Político de pacotilla 580 Hardcore Punk
30 Punk1 590 Screamo
31 Punk2 605 Screamo
32 Punkis y punto 570 Screamo
33 Rarezas especiales :| 370 Screamo
34 shhhh... silence 730 Hardcore Punk
35 Si no sé, pa que me meto? 335 Hardcore Punk
36 Si te digo la verdad... miento 680 Oi!
37 Si te sobra tiempo te lo compro 500 Hardcore Punk
38 Si tienes un don, yo tengo 2 500 Oi!
39 Start as star 500 Screamo
40 SXY CRML 500 Hardcore Punk
41 Te canto y te espanto 500 Oi!
42 the girl with the red dress 180 Hardcore Punk
43 tócamela otra vez, que me ha gustado 500 Oi!
44 Un tipo sexy 175 Hardcore Punk
45 Una planta más en el sótano del fracaso 500 Oi!
46 Without breath 500 Hardcore Punk
47 Ya no es Alcalde, ahora es Anarka 500 Hardcore Punk
48 Yo queria ser punk por los pinchos 500 Hardcore Punk

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 3 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.