Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Atomic Original Records 1909956 190,995.60 M$ 50 78
Moonlight | Rome 8073303 807,330.30 M$ 50 78
Moonlight | AMS 14266921 1,426,692.10 M$ 50 78
Moonlight | Buc 900337 90,033.70 M$ 50 84
Moonlight | NY 6692932 669,293.20 M$ 50 79
Moonlight | Ank 3129061 312,906.10 M$ 50 73
Moonlight | BA 16399547 1,639,954.70 M$ 50 82
Moonlight | Bar 6176870 617,687.00 M$ 50 78
Moonlight | BEL 3992341 399,234.10 M$ 50 77
Moonlight | BER 1544136 154,413.60 M$ 50 79
Moonlight | BRU 5639318 563,931.80 M$ 50 79
Moonlight | Chicago 5032334 503,233.40 M$ 50 76
Moonlight | Cop 1295453 129,545.30 M$ 50 80
Moonlight | Dub 4047539 404,753.90 M$ 50 78
Moonlight | Gla -159052 (15,905.20) M$ 30 77
Moonlight | Helsink 746766 74,676.60 M$ 50 76
Moonlight | Ist 3331420 333,142.00 M$ 50 78
Moonlight | Jak -395613 (39,561.30) M$ 20 73
Moonlight | Johan 12797849 1,279,784.90 M$ 50 77
Moonlight | Kiev 14543559 1,454,355.90 M$ 50 68
Moonlight | LA -437611 (43,761.10) M$ 20 77
Moonlight | Lon 12586612 1,258,661.20 M$ 50 74
Moonlight | Melb 7711896 771,189.60 M$ 40 73
Moonlight | MEX 2690100 269,010.00 M$ 50 70
Moonlight | Mil -240343 (24,034.30) M$ 10 84
Moonlight | Montre 2124539 212,453.90 M$ 50 79
Moonlight | MOS 8480086 848,008.60 M$ 50 78
Moonlight | NAS 3754670 375,467.00 M$ 40 71
Moonlight | Par 3285710 328,571.00 M$ 50 73
Moonlight | POR 4314875 431,487.50 M$ 50 77
Moonlight | RIO 6784637 678,463.70 M$ 50 77
Moonlight | SAR 5222274 522,227.40 M$ 50 78
Moonlight | Seattle 11883461 1,188,346.10 M$ 50 73
Moonlight | Shanghai 1503099 150,309.90 M$ 50 77
Moonlight | Singapore 6848564 684,856.40 M$ 50 72
Moonlight | Sofia 22340224 2,234,022.40 M$ 50 73
Moonlight | SP -158579 (15,857.90) M$ 0 78
Moonlight | Sto 20290719 2,029,071.90 M$ 50 76
Moonlight | Tallin 2724831 272,483.10 M$ 50 75
Moonlight | Toky -146625 (14,662.50) M$ 0 81
Moonlight | Vilnius 11591884 1,159,188.40 M$ 50 73
Moonlight | Warsaw 18074762 1,807,476.20 M$ 50 83
Moonlight |Bak 7419855 741,985.50 M$ 50 76
Moonlight |Bud 10640902 1,064,090.20 M$ 50 76
Moonlight |Madrid -175926 (17,592.60) M$ 40 83
Moonlight |Manila -455788 (45,578.80) M$ 0 73
Moonlight |TOR 1697611 169,761.10 M$ 50 74
RPI. 太平洋电子 -217563 (21,756.30) M$ 0 38
RPI. 老凤祥珠宝 -259262 (25,926.20) M$ 0 42
卿 如 故 1759800 175,980.00 M$ 10 72
山河大学 -3095917 (309,591.70) M$ 0 28
蓝调工作室 ~上海 -250253 (25,025.30) M$ 0 40