Zoe's Flora & Fauna

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Botanic Organic ~ London 50293001 5,029,300.10 M$ 0 25
Botanic Organic ~ N.Y. 88604072 8,860,407.20 M$ 0 38
Botanic Organic ~ S'holm 901483 90,148.30 M$ 0 19
Codrophenia ~ Berlin 98299 9,829.90 M$ 0 22
Codrophenia ~ Copenhagen 960115 96,011.50 M$ 0 28
Codrophenia ~ Istanbul 494386 49,438.60 M$ 0 38
Codrophenia ~ London 26861223 2,686,122.30 M$ 0 34
Codrophenia ~ New York 511886 51,188.60 M$ 0 26
Codrophenia ~ Shanghai 55931251 5,593,125.10 M$ 0 28
The Ark - New York 536338 53,633.80 M$ 0 24
The Petting Zoo - B'lin 7958262 795,826.20 M$ 0 23
The Petting Zoo - Kiev 2576870 257,687.00 M$ 0 39
The Petting Zoo - L'don 46933236 4,693,323.60 M$ 0 40
The Petting Zoo - N.Y.C. 42504386 4,250,438.60 M$ 0 38