Handy's Competition I Tromsø Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
7/10/2008, 8:00 PM +.. ORO ..+ terrible
7/11/2008, 4:00 PM Lone hyena splendid
7/12/2008, 12:00 PM Ultimate Sunshine above average
7/14/2008, 4:00 PM --- above average
7/14/2008, 8:00 PM Cellardoor awesome
7/14/2008, 10:00 PM garga good
7/15/2008, 6:00 PM Jammin with Jimi decent
7/15/2008, 8:00 PM Yo Honz Failed
7/15/2008, 10:00 PM Onion Rings' Blues good
7/16/2008, 12:00 PM Cotton Belt wonderful
7/16/2008, 2:00 PM The Queen of Blues awesome
7/16/2008, 6:00 PM InBLueS above average
7/16/2008, 10:00 PM Flamen... ¿Qué? splendid