Perfect 100.000W Metal Comp Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
5/16/2007, 12:00 PM Oceanride above average
5/16/2007, 2:00 PM Becktrum good
5/16/2007, 4:00 PM Curt Wild tribute band great
5/17/2007, 12:00 PM Erszebet Failed
5/17/2007, 4:00 PM Moonity pleasant
5/18/2007, 4:00 PM Dark Monastery mediocre
5/19/2007, 4:00 PM Lettonica below average
5/19/2007, 8:00 PM Heavy Metal Hamsters pleasant
5/20/2007, 2:00 PM Megalomaniac sweet
5/20/2007, 4:00 PM Thaldeon Holimion Failed
5/20/2007, 8:00 PM Triviality decent
5/20/2007, 10:00 PM Kaira good
5/21/2007, 12:00 PM Spanish Metal decent
5/21/2007, 2:00 PM ✡Hashem rays fire blaze✡ below average
5/21/2007, 4:00 PM Oppression splendid
5/21/2007, 6:00 PM Rico® great
5/21/2007, 8:00 PM stupids only Failed
5/22/2007, 12:00 PM Devils of LowLands Failed
5/22/2007, 4:00 PM In the Shadows mediocre
5/23/2007, 12:00 PM The Thunderbolt sweet