İstanbul Pop Final Result

This page shows you the current standings of a competition.

# Artist Score (Link to show)
1 Risto good
2 Hilary & Jesse good
3 Sakaki nice
4 FLYT mediocre
5 SoடAR wİทD İทc. poor
6 Orbital poor
7 hacettepe poor
8 şarlo horrendous
9 █▄█▀█ ▌▌ρΞηТнеЅіŁеіΛ ▌▌█▀█▄█ bottom dwelling
10 POPofan abysmal
11 abdüş abysmal
12 BLUE020 truly abysmal
13 ßiLLtaNeM Failed
14 KaMeN Failed
15 şekgül Failed