Palau de Justícia

The court house handles legal matters concerning marriages, custody, adoptions, lawyers and name changes. The Chief Justice controlling the court house is an elected official.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Court House
City: Barcelona
City Zone: Barri Gòtic (Center of Town)
Management: Tribunal Superior de Justícia
Quality: 50
Condition: incredible
Cash: 3,631,853.70 M$

Note from the Management

¡Bievenid@s al Palau de Justícia!
Jefe de Justicia / Chief Justice / Cap de Justícia:

León Adurza
Jueces / Judges / Jutges:

Lucas Gavara
Gael Sainz
Aurora van der Starre

Noticias / News / Notícies: 1082398.1

Oposiciones / Job Vacancies / Oposicions : 1082409.339

Preguntas, sugerencias y quejas / Questions & Suggestions / Preguntes, suggeriments i queixes: 1175611.1

¿Te vas a casar? / Are you getting married? / Et vols casar en Palau?
Info 2344314.1