The plastic surgeon is always ready to "improve" your looks. Just keep in mind that the effects of cosmetic surgery wears off with time and tend to leave things worse than they were at first. Jacko!
Welcome to BROWNSTONE Clinic Helsinki!....Specializing in Plastic Surgery, Botox Injections, Breast Implants and more. Our staff is ready to assist you with all your surgical requirements. Clean and sterile, our atmosphere is casual, personal and professional....welcome.Tervetuloa BROWNSTONE Clinic Helsinkiin! Henkilökuntamme on valmis auttamaan sinua kaikissa kirurgisissa tarpeissasi. Puhdas ja steriili, ilmapiirimme on rento, henkilökohtainen ja ammattimainen ... tervetuloa.Talwin BrownLondon Football Club