Musicon Factory | CHI
The factory is where important products such as music records are produced. Different factories charge differently for their services so shop around before placing any huge orders.
WARNING! This building is VERY UNSAFE and might collapse at any time! It is severely dilapidated. Get out of here before you get hurt!
鲛鮹蓝色染初匀 风皱粼粼渺水云
Note from the Management
Welcome to Musicon Factory, in Chicago!
Please read first for contract offers. --> 2301607.1
We offer 75% royalty of all record sales and 100% studio booking discount for a life time.
Contact to company owner Faun Fangorn if;
- If you need a contract.
- If you need musical career guidance.
- If you want to talk about records and management.
Kontat için önce lütfen okuyunuz. -->
2301607.2Hayat boyu süresince,
tüm kayıt satışlarından %75 telif hakkı ve
%100 stüdyo yer ayırtma indirimi sunuyoruz.
- Kontrata ihtiyacınız varsa,
- Müzikal kariyer rehberliğine ihtiyacınız varsa,
- Kayıtlar ve planlama hakkında konuşmak istiyorsanız,
Şirket sahibi
Faun Fangorn ile iletişime geçin.
Faun FangornMusicon Studios