Santa Vida

In the gentle glow of dawn and twilight, followers of Santa Vida gather to honor a benevolent Lady who embodies both shadow and light. Unlike traditions rooted solely in darkness, Santa Vida represents the sacred cycles of beginnings and endings, embracing the fullness of life without judgment.

Believers hold that this luminous Lady exists above the world, keeping her eyes closed to human cruelty so as not to be burdened by it. Yet, when the moment is right, she opens her eyes to grant her favor to those who approach her with sincere hearts and honorable intentions. In every prayer, the faithful offer a small token—a promise of devotion—symbolizing an exchange of goodwill and mutual respect.

Santa Vida is an inclusive path that welcomes followers from various spiritual backgrounds, whether pagan, Christian, or other faiths. Devotees often create a small home altar adorned with candles and symbols of both light and shadow. Each flickering flame serves as a reminder of life's dual nature, celebrating hope even amidst darkness.

Inspired by but distinct from darker traditions, Santa Vida offers a vision of spiritual renewal. It is a faith that recognizes the beauty in every beginning and every end, encouraging its followers to seek guidance, express gratitude, and honor the continuous cycle of life.

Viva la Santisima Vida.

In the image, a representation of our shining Lady, symbol of every beginning and end.

Club Information
Created: 5/1/2019
Leader: A. Andreani
Club House: Temple of Mercy
City: Rome
Management: Santa Vida - ecclesiastical organization
Size: 23 members
Accepts applications: Yes

Regarding social clubs

A social club is a place where people gather to fraternize and share common interests. The only way of becoming a member of a social club is to be invited by the club leader. All social clubs have a club house where the members meet.

VIPs can be a member of up to five social clubs at the same time, while non-VIPs can only be a member of one.