Brooklyn Fashion Group

Social club dedicated to role-playing ⚠️
If you are interested in business based roleplay, this is your place.

Brooklyn Fashion Group © is a conglomerate dedicated to blogging, and specifically fashion and the propagation of the American lifestyle. The idea is to create a microclimate of elegance and camaraderie together while working with the public.

The concept is that everyone subscribes to everyone's blogs, comments (blog-playing), and collaborate on content creation.

■ CEO: Susi Southwood

Each member may sponsor one or more brands of clothing, footwear, makeup, accessories, perfumes, etc. Brands can be personal or 'from real life' (like Adidas). Here we are all small fashion entrepreneurs, mentioning friendly brands is always welcome.

Registered personal trademarks
■ ONIGIRI© by Susi Southwood 👗

👔M. Clothing, 👗W. Clothing, 👙Swimsuits, 👟Shoes, 👜Accesories, 💎Jewelry, 💅Make-up, 🧴Perfumes

About paid blogging

■ New York City must be mentioned at least one even just as part of the context/background.
- Don't need to be a blog about the city, it could, but it could also be mentioned as "we had this set in Long Island beach" or whatever.
- For things that are both pop and real, pop ones are recommended (Harlem United rather than New York Knicks for example)
- For neighborhoods it is recommended to use real terms and not the pop zoning, locations that exist in either side of the matrix are not a problem.
■ Follow a fashion trend or "lifestyle".
■ Use the watermark: Blog powered by Brooklyn Fashion Group ©.
Blog powered by [tribeid=7560 name=Brooklyn Fashion Group ©

■ At the end of each year, 2 million will be paid to those who blog regularly +bonus.
■ The person who mentioned more friendly brands during an year will have a bonus ❤️

Club Information
Created: 11/24/2024
Leader: S. Southwood
Club House: Brooklyn Fashion Group HQ
City: New York
Management: Brooklyn Fashion Group
Size: 11 members
Accepts applications: Yes

Regarding social clubs

A social club is a place where people gather to fraternize and share common interests. The only way of becoming a member of a social club is to be invited by the club leader. All social clubs have a club house where the members meet.

VIPs can be a member of up to five social clubs at the same time, while non-VIPs can only be a member of one.