Musical Genre Ranking

Current rank of all musical artists represented in the social club, separated by genre.


# Rank Artist
1 574 Moriarty Clan

Country & Western

# Rank Artist
1 266 Kamikaze Chickens


# Rank Artist
1 216 Scions of Hain
2 331 Joíe de vivre
3 351 The Frequency Within
4 358 Synchron¡c¡ty
5 390 Java Eclipse
6 403 CMYK
7 430 Trying to make a Poin
8 467 Molten Dew
9 495 True Beats
10 545 Toothpick attacks
11 553 The Woodland Realm
12 624 The Orgasmic Eggs
13 649 The Skeptical Paradox
14 683 Shoemaker

Hip Hop

# Rank Artist
1 485 Streetballerz


# Rank Artist
1 235 The Elementals
2 262 Jazz by definition
3 288 Poindexter
4 360 Svenska Vikings
5 422 The Bonds
6 483 AuralScapes
7 531 Kung Fu Fanta


# Rank Artist
1 21 Hojna

Punk Rock

# Rank Artist
1 26 The Raging Queefs