Wits University
The university is where people 16 years or older can get their education, improving their skills in life.
Note from the Management
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Help us rebuild the legendary Wits University! Anyone is welcome!
Professors needed!!
To be a professor you need:
- 2.5* in Basic Teaching
- 3* in the skill you want to teach
Wage set due to skills and loyalty BY REQUEST. Pls PM our CEO if you want a higher wage.
Anyone is free to take a job as an professor here, but note that you will be fired if you:
- have no teachable skills
- leave town without notice
- are off campus 3 days in a row
Absences will be overlooked on the Big Bang, St. Kobes and DotD.
Preferences / requests: Message number will be added later.
Questions - contact our CEO: